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Play whole dance
Posted by Andy Taylor-Maynard
2/6/2019  3:16:00 PM
Hi, I wish to watch the whole dance for a Syllabus level e.g. Bronze, but can't find how I can do it. All I can find are short videos for individual parts. These are very good but then difficult to put together.

Kind Regards Andy
Re: Play whole dance
Posted by nloftofan1
2/8/2019  10:54:00 AM
What you mean by "the whole dance" isn't clear. The syllabus consists of elements which can be put together in any order during a dance, as the leader chooses. Ballroom dancing isn't like square dancing (or round dancing), where you have a caller who tells you what to do next. If you're thinking of instructions for what do do during an entire dance, you mean choreography. Choreography that lasts three minutes won't be easy to find on the web but you can probably find some suggested combinations made up of pieces that follow one another well.

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